Here is my storyboard for my upcoming stop motion movie. A little over 2 minutes and 400ish frames. I'll be illustrating this movie. I would have acted this out because I usually jump roof tops on the weekends but maybe next time. (Click on image to enlarge)
Monday, November 17, 2008
These pictures were taken in the amish country. I took these two shots with both slow exposures and Florescent white balances. I moved the camera in a circle for the image above which was of a tree. I like the feel of the second image, rather haunting.
This is my music poster for our fourth assignment. I chose the song "Where is my Mind" by PIXIES (the song at the end of Fight Club.) I like this song because I can really relate to the words during my high school years. Interesting times. I chose the lines, "Your head will collapse but nothing's in it" and "Where is my mind."
The purple/pink spirals were of a picture of a bon fire and I moved my camera in circles while it was taking the picture, then I messed with the colors to look like so. The layer over top of that was a picture of broken glass with a lower opacity. On the bottom right I took a picture of a pigeon and duplicated the picture and color burned the images. Over the birds is a picture of the branches from a dead tree. On the left is a picture of me, laughing like I'm "loosing my mind." Under my head is a picture of a fish that I drew and scanned in. Doesn't make sense but then again that was the idea of the whole image. I wrote the words with ink and pen and warped them to flow with the image. The "WHERE" is white out tape. This was both done on Illustrator and Photoshop but I definitely prefer photoshop.
I have a confession: I'm a cine-file. I love movies and learning about how they're made. It's been one of the few passions in my life that has never faltered. That and sharks, randomly enough. I'm currently pursuing a career in the entertainment industry and will hopefully land a job that gets me some behind the scenes action.