Sunday, January 4, 2009

Abandoned House

So while I was running the other day I noticed a little house on a hill right next to limestone road in DE.  This is what I love best, explore.  The rush you get when going in somewhere you don't know what lies inside is so exhilarating.  Next day I thought I'd take a trip to this house, go inside, and bring my camera to document, oh yeah, and my knife, just incase I run into some unsuspecting visitors inside...

Broken ceiling window in the abandoned house. Plenty of things fell though like

Leaves, glass, dirt, whatever. Looked like this was a living room.  There was also a fireplace in the upper right and 
Apparently no one was to go in or out of this house...through this door.
The attic.  Do I dare go up those riggidy toothpicks you call stairs to a room above the ceiling's structure which appeared to have been decaying for decades now.  I'll save that witch hunt for another day.  Maybe with someone, so if I fall through the ceiling or down the steps and get a piece of wood stuck through my leg or arm or back, some one will be there to help me out...I know, I think so positively.
Not sure what happened here but obviously long exposure and moving the camera around somewhere in the house.  Probably accidently pushed the button while I was just waving the camera around overlooking the shoulder for every creek and snap I I alone...?
This is a boarded up window I took in sepia mode and a darker exposure.  That was the only light source that I had in that room at the time.  In other rooms I had to use the flash from the camera as my light source...creepy to think about because that's exactly what the photographer was doing in a dark apartment in the horror film SAW just before that pig masked jigsaw kidnapped him.
I wasn't going into an "abandoned" house with boarded up windows, crushed beer cans in the yard with the chilly winter weather unarmed now.  Perfect spot to hang out and to get out of the wind if you have no real home to go too....I was actually hoping to get into a knife fight with a hobo, what an interesting tale that would have been.

Just chillin on the front porch of this eerie little house.  Black and white makes it all the more haunting.
And here is that light source from the outside that I had from that one room on the inside.  Exposure was a bit bright but in the end I thought it looked kinda neat.

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